Medical Detox and rehab in Luton rehab centre. This is simply a way of removing drugs or alcohol from the body in a medically safe way. We replace drugs or alcohol with medicine to stop you from carving and make you feel as comfortable as possible. While removing the substance from your body. This is all done at one of our 5 residential rehab centres.
If you decide you would just like a medical detox, then without a residential rehab program afterwards with proper care and attention. The patient will almost certainly go back to drink or drugs. The patient needs help getting over the psychological aspects of addiction.
Powder Cocaine, Crack Cocaine. LSD and Cannabis are just a few of the drugs which will not need a medical detox. In these cases we will give the patient medicine to help restore their natural sleep pattern and restore their appetite.
IMPORTANT – Medical Detox
This needs to be handled very carefully as it can be fatal if not. NEVER ATTEMPT TO DETOX YOURSELF or anyone else, without medical advice. An alcohol detox will be between 7 and 14 days (Methadone much longer depending on the dosage you are on) depending on how old the patient is, how long they have an addiction, how much they weigh, the type of substance they have been taking, there physical health etc.
Contact us
If you would like more details anything else related to rehabilitation or alcohol detox or drug detox, please feel free to contact us in complete confidence on Call 07811 606 606. Our friendly staff will give you any information you need, or send out any information you need. All our staff are trained counsellors, and all have been through addiction themselves. Medical detox and rehab in Luton rehab centre.